Advice Hub

Talent Over Skill Sets


Patrick McCubbin on LinkedIn:

I stand by this…Companies achieve greater hiring results when they prioritise fit, ability and talent over mere skill sets.

Bright individuals can develop, however the wrong personality is inherently harder to change. (The person you are now thinking about) Rather than automatically rejecting talent with some technical gaps, try to assess their ability to bridge those gaps quickly.I see this a lot…

“We NEED someone with….” you fill in the gaps… usually it’s a type of sector, system or accounting standard. Honestly, if someone is a rockstar they upskill quickly.

The 70/30 rule resonates well: 70% ready with 30% room for growth – the 30% is actually the more important element for everyone.

At We Do Group we love adding in one curveball candidate to most recruitment processes. This helps challenge fixed mindsets and usually adds further diversity. It’s interesting how many times the ‘curve ball candidate’ ends up getting the position!

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