Advice Hub

How You Do Anything is How You Do Everything


The saying “How you do anything is how you do everything” is a powerful reminder of the importance of consistency and excellence in all aspects of our lives. At We Do Group, we are big fans of this philosophy, and it often comes up in our conversations with clients and candidates alike.

A Real-Life Example

Just this morning, I had an insightful discussion with a client about a new hiring need. They are looking to fill a more senior role that will set the tone and drive innovation in their commercial finance department. Interestingly, two internal candidates have applied for the position. Both are nice people and capable in their current roles, yet the hiring manager has reservations.

The Importance of Consistency

The hesitation stems from observing how these two individuals have approached their current responsibilities. Despite being competent, their approach to tasks and projects has raised concerns about their suitability for a more senior role. This is where the saying, “How you do anything is how you do everything,” becomes particularly relevant.

Setting the Tone and Driving Innovation

A senior role, especially one that involves setting the tone and fostering innovation, requires a level of consistency and excellence that goes beyond basic competence. It demands a proactive attitude, attention to detail, and a commitment to continuous improvement. The hiring manager has noticed that while these internal candidates are good at their current jobs, their approach lacks the necessary drive and forward-thinking mindset needed for this leadership position.

The Bigger Picture

This situation highlights the broader lesson that our daily habits and attitudes reflect our overall approach to work and life. If we are thorough, proactive, and dedicated in our everyday tasks, we are likely to bring the same qualities to more significant challenges and responsibilities. Conversely, if we approach smaller tasks with a lacklustre attitude, it can be an indicator of how we might handle larger roles.

Making the Right Choice

For the hiring manager, this realisation is crucial. It is not just about finding someone who can do the job; it is about finding someone who embodies the qualities needed to excel and lead by example. This means looking beyond technical skills and considering how candidates approach their current roles and responsibilities.

The saying “How you do anything is how you do everything” serves as a valuable guideline for both personal and professional development. It reminds us that excellence and consistency in small tasks translate to success in larger endeavours. For hiring managers, it underscores the importance of looking at the whole picture when evaluating candidates for senior roles.

By keeping this philosophy in mind, we can make more informed decisions and ultimately build stronger, more effective teams. What do you think about this approach? Share your thoughts and join the conversation!

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